junior2: hello you! i don't really know how you're feeling now but ALWAYS remember what i said to you! from last time & today. don't ever, ever lose your self confidence. you've got plenty of potential, & i for one know it & really appreciate it. what you do need to do now is to get that confidence going, & just show everyone what you can do too! don't always think you're super lousy, cus you're not. you just need more chances & practice, & i'm 100% you'll be fine :))) remember what your seniors & i'm here for eh! & most importantly trust the Lord with all your heart! & He will make your paths straight. don't let anything affect your performance at all. just remember to show everyone how hard you can try! i've got confidence in you, so you must have confidence in yourself too alright! i really wanna see at the end of july all of you different, ready to take in new girls & to bring the choir to greater heights! take careeee girl <3
frienddd: haha you are awefully naggy you know, but anyhow, i hope you pass all your midyears! yesyes i won't be like you & STUDY, therefore stop nagging hahahahha :D
junior3: HAHA yes i know MIDYEARS ARE COMING BUT DON'T FREAKKK OUT! :DDD comeon dear, you're 283901830times smarter than me so stop saying that you're gna retain OKAY! can't stand you all man. anyhow say gna retain. if you guys gna retain that i kena expelled last year la ! xD
okaysss i can't remember who else i wanted to talk to already haha! ohwellwellwell.
i shall not say anything much except that i went for a Japanese buffet & gosh i came out feeling not like a pig.. but a boar HAHA. but are boars male? ahwhatever, i just feel worse than full. superduperwooper full. i was almost limping la. & i shall spare you from the list of stuff i ate haha.
midyears. are. stressful. bother. bother. bother.
i am thankful for the public holiday tml.
whatever it is for its not really my problem. as long as i dont need to go to school for lessons,
tiffany's happy :)
its such a horrible hot & HUMID day. & that totally sucks esp when you go down to the canteen wanting to eat. takes away your appetite. hmpppphhhhh & feeling sticky & all aint fun :(
monica buy me a plane ticket to aussie! winter winter ahhhh (: anything's better than a super hot urgggh day.
pooor cedar girls with their oh so thick school uniform! haha
school's not very exciting. i think my fav period is chapel, thats about all. see even recess not fun anymore cus its so hot. after school is the best, you finally get to continue with your revision. haha.
i passed my 2nd chinese mock(: yayness. now i can aim for a B or something haha.
Lord, You're so amazing, till i cannot comprehend. use me, guide me, teach me.
words are really meaningful.. :)
i'm really sorry. i hate getting into conflicts. i didn't mean anything serious. all i wanted was a willing attitude from everyone, a common goal for everyone to do the best, for the class. we were just concerned.. not talking behind your back. we just cannot let one person mess up the whole project. thats why we were planning backup plans.. just in case you couldn't/don't show up. i hope everything's alright with you now. i'm just sorry, okay? i don't have a problem with you. really.
sigh.. i just feel really bad now. maybe.. we or i.. didn't do something right. GRAH. :(
other than that.. other stuff is going pretty well. hahaha it'll be cool if we could be one of the top 3. like last year! we got top :D hahahahaa.
Your promises are true.
once more. God You're so amazing.
thank you to a few certain people. for talking about relevant AND irrelevant stuff. funny & fun anyhow. haha.
thoughts running through back & forth. what do i conclude?
trust God.
ladeeeda. sleep time. i am going to mug my whole weekend away, seriously. otherwise, i'll be failing my midyears. ohnos.
greaahhhh. if you're involved in any of this. please cooperate as much as you can :) thank you.
sorry for being cranky.. i think i'm getting rather urggh. cus i really want the best for all those & you all really need to cooperate alright!
I PASSED MY 2.4 RUN! best thing is that.. I DIDN'T STOP RUNNNINNGGGG. :D
on my last round.. all i could think of was "God, you're so amazing :)" wheee.
i feel like i'm falling sick :( again. sigh.
when the pressure sets in from all directions, what do you do? press the pause button, & handle it all slowly knowing that God is there with you & He can put all things right. thank you.
1. SLEEEEEEEEP. like without thinking of waking up early enough so that i can study more.. or slack more haha.
2. go sentosa with sentosa gang!<3
3. start missing mg. (after Os la)
5. go eat at IKEA!
6. have veggietales marathon with grace!
7. go to the beach
8. go to playgrounds:D
9. spend more time with God(:
10. make sure i get to go for youth camp!
11. go watch narnia. haha.
12. eating spreeee :DDDD
13. restructure my room (its not even midyears, & my room looks sad)
14. brainwash my juniors to get a GWH for SYF09!
15. meet up with mghandbellchoir2006!
16. catch up with church commitments. (mustmustmust)
17. go to zoo, botanical gardens, whereever else that a tourist will go to :D
18. continue with piano
19. catch up with lots of people
20. watch tv
21. be a lazy pig at home
22. think & reflect. on these 10years.
23. continue dreaming with grace on backpacking trips & whatever else :D
thats all i can think of for now. see alot of things to do! hmm so tiffany don't say you got nothing to do after all the exams okay. haha. monica i hope if you come back on the 12th you come back at night. then i can go airport whoohoo. go play with friends first then go airport! aha, so nice :D gosh i can't wait for you to be backkk!
today in church was pretty much fine. maybe not as good as we hoped to be. but it was still fine :) i hope they all got the message. & yea thanks loads to andrew for the encouragement :)) next time, 4 of us do the lesson together okay! more brains.. hahaha.
facebook emails still coming in.. sigh. haha. & there's no way to block emails from photos :(
remember this? <3
cus they keep commenting on it & i keep getting 8230918093emails notifying me of it ahhh. O.O
i'm sure i received more than 20emails today already. & they come at fast speeeeed.
i just got reminded of playgrounds. sigh i'm so deprived of my do-anything-but-homework life. hahaha i'm so tired of the Olevels already booo. no good! oh well, but then again, life has been getting more & more exciting & wonderful, because God's showing me so much more than i ever expected!
tomorrow, tomorrow. uhoh.... i'm not suppose to be panicking but i feel like i am heh. oh wellll.
ladeeeeda. i feel like a total idiot. forget to bring back my dearest sch diary & my amath 2007midyear paper :((((((((( at least my other homework & revision is with me but still! bother bother.
A Judge's Dilemma
In a small town, a person decided to open up a brothel, which was rightopposite to a church. The church & its congregation started a campaign toblock the brothel from opening with petitions and prayed daily against his business.
Work progressed. However, when it was almost complete and was about to opena few days later, a strong lightning struck the brothel and it was burnt tothe ground.
The church folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, till thebrothel owner sued the church authorities on the grounds that the churchthrough its congregation & prayers was ultimately responsible for the destruction of his brothel, either through direct or indirect actions or means.
In its reply to the court, the church vehemently denied all responsibilityor any connection that their prayers were reasons for the act of God. As the case made its way into court, the judge looked over the paperwork atthe hearing and commented:
"I don't know how I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from the paperwork, we have a brothel owner who believes in the power of prayer andwe have an entire church that doesn't."
k now i'm not sure if what i just said was related to the story. haha! but anyway, a nice person whom i'm still wondering why only me did she send the email to! ahwellwellwell. thanks loads anyway, though you 99.9% won't chance about this place :)
today was my 1st stlukes visit. kinda nice & interesting. left a very deep impact on me. i dunno why, i just kept thinking about that. & whatever you guys heard were stuff that i never talked to anyone about.. sigh :(
sometimes i wonder, why can life be so complicated?
but i also know, life WITH Christ is alot less complicated, & happier. aha.
i have alot of things to rant actually, sigh..
7AM (live)
handbells included!!!:D
hahah yesyes the opening of the show is us. coolio right. yes & i know our God will carry us through it.. YAY! JIAYOU PEOPLE :D & also all the other girls involved in it.
teehee i get to skippp a bit of lessons in the morninggg :)
thats the nice part. the not very nice part is that by 630am.. gotta be in school. thats why nglipin's chasing me to sleeeep ahahaha.
you see for breakfast today i had nicenice HONEYSTARS:D with milk! yes & because i couldnt find my small bowl i used a bigger one. & so i had a very big meal for breakfast. lots of milk.
& 2hours later i spent 10+mins in the toilet:(
not because the milk expired..
but because i'm kinda allegic to milk ahahaha.
i forgot about that. normally i can drink milk. just not too much at one go.
oh boohoo :(
then i kept getting distracted while studying.
like, i keep running out of my room & never failing to find something else that seems sooooo much more interesting than emath.
so i locked myself in my room :) heh.
& after a whole day of not getting internet thanks to the dear storm.. i couldnt do my online quiz :(
today was not entirely a good day
& my stomach still feels sore. bah.
but it means that we're another week closer to midyears, prelims, Olevels & FREEEEDOM. ahahaha see must think positive!
oh dear i really want our aladdin to do really well on wednesday!
we got a performance this coming wednesday.. in the morning :) but we're not missing any lessons chey. oh well, good exposure for everyone i guess. besides priscilla & i the rest are appearing on tv for the first time! aha.
dear handbell choir, you all are giving me a headache over the june hols practice ahhhhhhh. :( currently i love those who got nothing on. (which means i'm like totally against our dear JOYCHUA who will be away at camps & dunno what else for practically the whole holiday?! i slaughter you ah)
anyway today's practice was pretty okay i guess? haha jiayou! i know we got super little practices.. but CAN RIGHT! haha yeah & mrs aw mentioned something about giving us a LEVEL 6 score. priscilla & i almost fainted, while cherry was in too shocked to even feel faint aha. personally i never knew level 6 existed :/ i thought level 5 was the highest.. ohdear. but it'll be fun to experience a level6 song though.. before i leave! :D i realize that this group is really lucky to be getting such nice & good experience songs this year.. hmm maybe one day the mghandbellchoir normal standard would be a level5! (HHAHA HEAR THAT SEC3S!)
yep & it was good fun talking to fong cherry outside the room while waiting for practice to start :D hahah we got good stuff to share with each other.. ahaha! & the lizard fossil we found ewwww. thanks for being an awesome junior though :)
&&&&! i amazingly got POTC todayyy YAYYYYYY! thankthankthank God! i just couldn't play properly previously.. & so it's like really amazing that i can more or less play it properly hahah ;)
school was preeetty fine today :) i like fridays. only physics can be a dread sometimes. today was totally fun though.. experimenting with the comb, diane's hair, tissue paper, & a ruler! yep & we had A&E MATHS. PRACTICALLY.THE.WHOLE.DAY. okay it wasnt so bad cus ms kek gave us like the last 20 min freee heh :)
IFD concert today. somehow i feel as if last year's one was better.. cus our video rocked! haha where is it i want! :D vicky guan & her weird poems that was supposed to be raps AHA. ;D i kinda miss our ltc group :/ anyway, had this talk by Dr William Tan. guess he gave a pretty good talk? yep, inspiring. i thought about my 2.4 run hahaa.
Swim Meet 2008! :D
hello dear cheng jieyi the orange stool! love you loads mann hahahahah! :D
stupid caroline tennggg. now i look as if i was advertising for Marigold yoghurt. yummy anyhow, thanks grace for bringing! :D
hahah i look like i killed them & then smiled happily. no, i didn't kill them. the sun did. later it killed me as well. when the sun gets too hot, you just snuggle up at the top of the seating gallery & sleep! till the heat & sun goes awayyyy :)
HAHAA LAOSHI I LOVE YOU! :D our p6 laoshi. she never fails to amuse us. ever since day 1, she has never failed in being an entertainer. & cus we always go say hi to her every year, she will always remember us & our hilarious class. :D
yesyes, swim meet was full of camwhoring. these are only the few ahaha! oh well, pictures help you remember your very-last-events!
disappointing, once again. but you know what? tolerate, & hope that you'll learn one day.
don't be sad anymoreee :)
or annoyed
or pissed
or frustrated
:) here's a big smile for all of you from tiffany! - :D
hahaha now... did that help?
(note: post directed to a few certain people but its also meant for anyone who's feeling sad or whatever that was described up there!)
surprisingly today wasn't as draining as wednesday. anyhow mrs kuan made us run our mock 2.4 :( & of course, i almost died. nearly.
yy: tiffany, if you're not max 30cm in front or behind me.. you're DEAD
aha okay so that kinda worked i guess. yorkying you have an amazing stamina! haha & yes when i think of certain things i guess it kept me going? hahah yep. thank you for all your encouragment everybodyyyy :) for those who did la. hahaa. i will pass my 2.4 next thurs! (i better)
the joy of the Lord is my strength
i have just decided on the difference between last year & this year.
last year, i didn't rely on God
this year, i will.
therefore, the end result will be better, will be different. just wait & see.
cus i've got Jesus with me, for me, in me! :)
what, can be better than that?
hahah BARKER got flooded!
our reaction was like o.O, because i personally never saw such a flood before! live that is. normally i see it on newspaper but nothing beats seeing it real
okay why do i sound so happy about seeing a flood. not good not good!
& the first thing i thought of when i saw that was "does barker have afternoon sessions?" haha.
oh well. SCHOOL'S OVER! LIKE FINALLY! this four days have never been so long. seriously. haha. yesyes lovelove friday! if only there was cca, things would be nicer :) ahwell. MGHANDBELLS 2008 LISTEN UP! we're gna rock for the July concert, we're gna rock for the 16th april performance. remember my dears, we work as a team. we help to pull each other up, & we look to God always in trust & faith. your seniors are always there for you! therefore there should be no reason why we'll not rock, because most importantly is that we got God! &, our songs are all really nice, so yep! we can do it!!!! :) love you all so very much! :D we'll pull it through so well alright!
"can you not be such a pig?! eat so much ham!"
"uhhh... pigs don't eat ham.. because ham kinda comes from them"
HAHA oh dear, i know some very spastic people!
& she put two more brackets!
somemore the 2 teeth just grew not too long ago.. & its sticking out quite badly
i'm gna have major ulcers mann... boooohoooo :(
whats more i'll be eating quite alot this few days, esp friday!
ahhh not good not good
rawr :(
hmm this year has been really exciting. getting to know more people, meeting new people, meeting new challenges. getting to know people who have been around me for so long & yet i don't really know them well. yeah, its awesome. & also getting to know God a whole lot more :)
but amidst all that, of course i still miss people. jane sandra yunjing jinhui krystle ahh havent seen you guys for AGES! ;( i really miss all those awesome times, blah. even though i was constantly bullied during cca (what isolating me huh huh huh) & doing the weirdest things ever! now, its just different. you know, different.
all in all, i miss being the youngest ;)